Creating Positive
Mental Wellbeing for Adults, Young People and Children

Creating Positive
Mental Wellbeing for Adults, Young People and Children

The Positive Mind 

The Positive Mind Psychotherapy & Counselling Practice is a safe space to talk through whatever is bothering you.

In life, we all face difficult or challenging situations from time to time and experience a range of feelings as a result. Feelings might include hopelessness, guilt, resentment, low self-esteem and confidence, anger, grief or fear.

With the right support from a qualified psychotherapist, you can better understand your feelings, feel less overwhelmed by problems and learn the skills to cope with challenging situations more positively.

I work in an integrated but flexible way, drawing on different psychotherapy techniques to find the right approach for you. Whatever challenges you are facing, I can help you develop a positive mindset and the psychological resources for better physical health and mental wellbeing.

Issues I can help with 

issues I can help with
  • Anxiety
  • Depression 
  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Sleep problems
  • Bereavement
  • Low self-esteem
  • Anger
  • OCD
  • Phobias
  • Eating disorders
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Self-harming
  • Relationship issues

Are you ready for a positive
change in your life?

The thoughts and conversations that run through our minds every day (our internal dialogue) are collectively known as self-talk and the way in which we talk to ourselves can be either negative or positive. Negative self-talk (thoughts) can affect our emotions and mood (feelings), impact our biological functioning (by triggering a stress response) and influence how we respond to events in our lives (behaviour). 

Persistent negative self-talk in particular can be extremely damaging and often leads to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, if not addressed. Conversely, positive self-talk is a powerful tool in creating mental wellbeing that boosts our resilience, increases our self-belief, motivation and happiness. 

It's not about glossing over the negative things that happen in life or just being super happy all the time. With awareness, understanding and practice, we can all learn to cultivate positive self-talk. Ask yourself right now, how positive, affirming and helpful is your self-talk. Are you ready to make a change?

I can help you

Book a free, no obligation, 20-minute consultation. Let's have a chat about how I can help. 

Dionne Reece - Positive Mind Psychotherapy

About me

I am a fully qualified psychotherapist with an extensive blend of clinical, neuropsychological and counselling experience. I have a strong interest in 'Positive Psychology' which focuses on positive human functioning. In other words, helping people lead happier and more fulfilled lives. 

I am a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).

From OK to Great!

Psychotherapy for Adults

So many of us go through life just getting by, believing that happiness is a fleeting concept rather than a lasting emotional state. Therapy can help you move from being 'just OK' to 'great,' and equip you with the tools and beliefs to enjoy more happiness, more of the time. Perhaps you're struggling with relationship or career issues or a specific mental health condition. Whatever the problem, just as we visit our GP for a physical health check-up, likewise a mental health checkup can be the start of your recovery. 

Psychotherapy for Children & Young People

We all want our children to experience a happy, positive childhood; one that equips them with a solid foundation of emotional resilience and self-esteem. But why leave it to chance? If you are concerned that your child might only be 'OK' rather than 'great,' early intervention is crucial and prevents far greater problems in their future. Find out how I can support your child to develop the skills and knowledge they need to truly thrive. 

working with teenage girl in office

Our teenage daughter was experiencing severe allergic reactions whist in her classroom. After numerous hospital tests, no cause was identified and the situation continued. A friend introduced me to Dionne, who suggested that this reaction was likely to be a chronic stress response to academic pressure. It turned out that my daughter had unconsciously linked the smell of the cleaning products in her classroom with her feelings of anxiety about exams.

Dionne used Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to address my daughter's issues and I am glad to say there was a huge improvement.

LF , Maidstone

How are you feeling today?

One in four of us will experience a mental health problem in our lifetime. Depression and anxiety are two of the most common problems, and often go hand in hand, but both are very treatable with the right combination of clinical intervention and psychological support. Spotting the signs and seeking help as early as possible is key to making a lasting positive change. 

Do You Suffer With Anxiety?

Anxiety can take many forms such as generalised anxiety or more specific disorders including phobias like agoraphobia (fear of open spaces), social anxiety and panic attacks. Although very treatable, any form of anxiety disorder can have a crippling effect on everyday life creating a range of psychological and physical symptoms including heart palpitations, breathing problems, dizziness, muscle tension and difficulty sleeping. 

The GAD-7 test can be used to screen for generalised anxiety levels. 

Do You Feel  Depressed?

We all face ups and downs in life but challenging or difficult events can take their toll. When having the odd 'bad day' or struggling to get out of bed for work turns into something more persistent, it's time to seek help. Depression can vary from mild to severe, affecting every aspect of our lives, and it is critical we seek treatment and support as soon as possible. 

The PHQ-9 test can be used to screen for symptoms of depression. 

Disclaimer: The tests provided are indicative and should not be used definitively for the diagnosis of mental health conditions. Always consult your doctor to discuss your scores in more detail.

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