Author Archives: Dionne Reece

Adapting and Surviving Coronavirus. Keeping your Mental Health in Check

Coronavirus news, talk and speculation is all around us. TV, radio and social media are [...]

How ‘Cogmed Working Memory Training’ can help children with attention and learning problems

Does your child struggle to stay focussed at school?They may not be being deliberately inattentive [...]

Building Emotional Resilience

Whatever issue you bring to therapy, my goal as an integrative psychotherapist is to support [...]

Supporting children struggling with academic anxiety

While most of us would agree that a good education should lead to a greater [...]

Mental health – a growing public health concern

There has been a positive step change in the awareness of mental health and its [...]

Neuro-developmental disorders and brain plasticity

Neurodevelopmental disorders commonly result from issues of the central nervous system and can affect both [...]

Supporting teenagers and young adults

Today's world can be especially confusing and challenging for teenagers and young people and they [...]

Gaming Addiction

In June 2018, the World Health Organisation (WHO) first recognised gaming addiction as a mental [...]

The importance of positive emotions in children

Positive emotions are essential to a child’s mental wellbeing. It certainly doesn’t take a rocket [...]

Choosing between private and NHS psychotherapy

The factors that affect the choice of deciding between private and NHS funded psychotherapy can, [...]